If your anything like me then you will be wanting to take pictures all the time, if so then you don't want to let rain put a stop to your creativity. On a rainy day you will find me trawling through 'youtube' looking for ideas for great photo ops that can be achieved indoors, and I'm pleased to say there are literally hundreds.
This particular idea is stolen from Bryan Peterson, I am a subscriber to his 'youtube' channel and I find his videos fantastic, full of ideas and information not to mention double helpings of American cheese to go with it. In this video Bryan has his own motives behind the shoot but I have simply applied the English weather theory instead of Mr Peterson's earth saving one.
Here is my set up for the shoot:

Its all very simple, fill a shallow dish with warm water add a tiny bit of vegetable or any clear oil, suspend the dish roughly 10cm from a colourful backdrop (in my case an Xbox game case) remember to move the background after each shot to give you endless colour and shape possibilities. Shoot with a large aperture to give reasonable depth of field i.e f/8 or below, this will ensure that the background is out of focus as it is only the colour that we need. I added some flash with a red gel to spice things up a little - this is optional though. Also if you do not have a macro lens you can use close up filters or a 50mm f/1.8 for example this should work just fine.
Its all about colour and shape which is what photographers look for everywhere they go.
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